Monday, December 23, 2019

Swot Analysis Of Retronics, A Software Engineering Firm Essay

Background Information History Retronics, a software engineering firm located in Silicon Valley, was founded in 1990s. Many internet-based companies were founded at that period since a new economic sector grew up and it attracted many investors. With the new economic sector and its privileged geographic location, Retronics could easily attract a tremendous amount of capital funding and investments, as well as a long list of big clients. Owing to the high interest rate, many people invested in the dot-com companies and their stock prices had risen sharply. The bubble burst when it hit the peak. Millions of investors and companies suffered from the dot-com bubble. Retronics, one of the suffering companies, had to lay off employees for survival in the extreme environment. In 2003, the board of director fired the founder of Retronics and hired George Latour, who was experienced in enterprise-scale systems and operations as the new CEO. Development George had brought in new investments for the company after his inauguration. After 16 months, the company’s revenue did not reach a satisfying level and the market share started to decline as competitions became more intense. George was very nervous and worried about the figures and he had no ideas of how to change the company’s fortune. On the other hand, Shelley Stern, the marketing director came into the company by the way of the chairman, Pete Dmitrijevich. George was asked by Pete to train and coach her since she had great

Sunday, December 15, 2019

Internet Piracy and Its Economic Effects Free Essays

The ongoing dispute over illegal Internet-based file sharing between the entertainment and software industries and the vast, online pirating community has been one of the most debated upon topics that has gripped public attention for the past decade. What was once a single public website created by a college dropout has become an empire of trafficking communities, used by hundreds of millions of people, that robs billions in revenue each year. Although these rogue websites claim to strictly serve only as hosts for illegal file sharing, the United States government must take action to eliminate Internet piracy and protect copyright by implementing digital encryption technologies and strict laws that prohibit tampering these encryptions. We will write a custom essay sample on Internet Piracy and Its Economic Effects or any similar topic only for you Order Now The trafficking of copyrighted goods must be put to an end because it promotes illegal transactions of an owner’s intellectual property, causing sales in the entertainment and software industries to plummet and thereby restricts the growth of the economy. Internet piracy is the unlawful reproduction and/or distribution of any copyrighted digital file without the consent of the owner. It is driven by the consumers demand for a desirable product that would otherwise be unobtainable, either because of financial limitations or cultural factors, such as the Chinese culture’s emphasis that the free sharing of knowledge creates and preserves both civilization and traditional values across generations (Lu 310). Consequently, such a mindset that has caused many people to believe piracy to be the solution to their individual economic problems has resulted in the slow, yet unrelenting destruction of the economy. Spearheaded by several websites hosting millions of users every day, illegal file sharing services have robbed entertainment and software companies of billions of dollars each year and have direct correlations to the current economic depression. The era of internet piracy began in May of 1999 when a college student founded an internet website called Napster that allowed users to upload and download music for free through connected computer networks (Internet Piracy). In the first four months of its initial release, Napster hosted roughly 1 million users (Bach 4). After one year, however, the service became so popular that the Napster community expanded to an unprecedented 20 million users. Though it was eventually charged for copyright infringement and lost a series of legal battles, Napster had already introduced the world to internet piracy. For the first time ever, Napster, in just two years, caused the music industry, specifically in compact disc sales, to steadily lose roughly $500 million in revenue in each preceding year (Bach 5). The damage that these rogue websites have done to the entertainment industry by promoting and hosting file sharing services has been catastrophic. In the fifth annual global piracy study by the Business Software Alliance, BSA discovered that in 2007, â€Å"Worldwide, for every two dollars’ worth of software purchased legally, one dollars’ worth was obtained illegally. BSA) † Not only is internet piracy hurting the economy by dramatically lowering sales in the worldwide market, it is also making it increasingly difficult for artists, developers and their companies to produce new content to stimulate economic growth because of the daunting fact that their product will more likely be copied and redistributed rather than acquired legally through purchase. In the United States music industry, for example, the NPD group reported that only 37% of music acquired by consumers in 2009 was paid for (RIAA). If there is no payout, producers have less incentive to quickly develop new content. Likewise, without the revolving door of investment and revenue, the ability to bring the next generation of talent, such as artists and inventors, to the marketplace is diminished- as is the incentive for the aspiring talent to pursue a full time career in his or her desired industry (Gee 20). Furthermore, a decreasing amount of new products entering the market, coupled with the increasingly scarce number of new talents willing to enter the slumping entertainment industry and the continuously growing pirating community will only add fuel to the pre-existing fire that is the recession. Previously passed bills Protect IP Act and the Digital Millennium Copyright Act have done little in the war against Internet piracy as a majority of the pirating sites have turned to Bit Torrent technology as the method of choice to avoid drawing blame for directly handling intellectual property during illegal transactions. This advanced protocol maximizes transfer speed by gathering pieces of the file you want and downloading these pieces simultaneously from the computers of those who have downloaded from the same source- referred to as â€Å"seeders (Carmack 1, 3). As of 2009, Bit Torrent file sharing has accounted for approximately 43% to 70% of Internet trafficking, making it one of the biggest contributors to the declining entertainment and software industry (Schulze). Although it would be impossible to shut down every rogue website that provides file sharing services, it is possible to prevent consumers from uploading purchased products onto these sites by implementing digital encryption keys that are unique to each product, in which content is distributed not as raw data, but rather inside a secure container (Bach 7). Dubbed â€Å"Digital Rights Management (DRM), † these technologies have already been implemented in America’s motion picture industry and have greatly limited the number of pirated DVD’s. Moreover, digital encryption keys may be able to help stimulate the economy. Consider the notion that a good must be scarce, exclusive and rivalrous in order to draw consumer demand. Now, take into account that illegally copying and redistributing a good on the internet has zero marginal cost. The majority of people would rather commit to the latter instead of paying for said good, therefore eliminating rivalry, scarcity and exclusiveness in the market. If, however, encryption keys were to be equipped to each product, DRM would re-establish excludability and thus an artificial notion of rivalry and scarcity because each product would require a unique key code acquired upon purchasing the good (Bach 9). Companies would have more control over the distribution of its property while consumers can still keep their legally purchased product. What is more, the addition of laws prohibiting the tampering of these keys as well as severe punishment and fines would act as a strong deterrence to piracy. Unless the United States government adopts the ideas of implementing digital encryption technologies and passing strict laws that severely punish those who tamper with these electronic locks, the cycle of economic depression and inflation of products in the market will continue forever. Some may argue that these ideas to reinforce copyright will tip the balance of power away from consumers to the producers and also infringe upon the rights of an individual’s freedom of expression, the right to privacy, and the right to communicate (Lu 299). Yet, implementing key codes and laws to protect them (key codes) in no way limit a person’s right to speech, privacy, nor expression. For instance, a boy named Bob purchases a digital version of the hit song â€Å"Gangnam Style† and really enjoys the instrumental as well as lyrics. Though he cannot upload his copy of â€Å"Gangnam Style†Ã¢â‚¬  to the Internet and share it with others, he may still express his feelings about the song and tell others why he likes it. Bob is not restricted to enjoying the song by himself. In fact, he can post links of his new favorite song to his Twitter, Facebook, or any website; he just cannot distribute HIS copy in any way to anyone else. Though suggested method of protecting copyright may seem like it infringes about human rights, it does not. It merely serves, literally, as a protective cage surrounding your digital content. How to cite Internet Piracy and Its Economic Effects, Essay examples

Saturday, December 7, 2019

Analysis Assignment- Stairway to Heaven free essay sample

Stairway to Heaven develops depth and emotion throughout the entire song, starting very simply and gradually delivering ore complexity and Intensity from 2:14 onwards. There Is a clear build up as the piece progresses with the addition of new Instruments (2:14), an Increase In tempo (6:44), and change in rhythm regularly from quavers in 4/4 time to semi-quavers (2:02). Although Led Zeppelin follow no particular genre of music, this spectacular piece begins as a significant contrast to their usual hard rock, blues rock, heavy metal style with an almost folk, acoustic introduction.The introduction holds one main folk riff that forms the theme of many variations to underpin the musically Ingenious entrants as the guitar solo begins at 5:55, bringing back Led Zeppelins usual heavy rock reputation. Within Victor Loppers variation of Stairway to Heaven, there is no evidence of development or emerging energy and emotion. The arrangement does however change tempo many times from = 120 to -72, yet the changes fail to match the original song in the slightest and appear stilted, almost disjointed, as they seem separated at times by a number of awkward pauses (egg 2:30). The introduction holds one main folk riff that forms the theme of many variations to underpin the musically ingenious contrast as the guitar LOL begins at 5:55, bringing back Led Zeppelins usual heavy rock reputation. Within Victor Loppers variation of Stairway to Heaven, there is no evidence of development or emerging energy and emotion. The arrangement does however change tempo many times from = 120 to =72, yet the changes fail to match the original song in the slightest and appear stilted, almost disjointed, as they seem separated at times by a number of awkward pauses (egg 2:30).Contrasting the entire structure of the original piece, this Lopez arrangement starts heavier, with every instrument playing, and continues on eighty only from 0:17. A more upbeat heavier variation is introduced again at 1 :24 and then the arrangement ends the same as the beginning from 2:30. These changes differ only very slightly and are unsuccessful in involving as much variety in the different parts a s the original as it engages in the overuse of repetition. Although this is understood to be an arrangement, it fails to allow the different sections of the original piece to be properly determined. At one point it even includes a feature trumpet part at 1:33 (see Figure 1) that does not resemble any section of the original. Figure 1: Bars 33 36 of Stairway to Heaven arranged by Victor Lopez In the writing and arranging of this piece, Victor Lopez completely disregards the genre under which the original was written by turning this version into a big brass band song with no evidence of development or sensitivity to the original structure of Stairway to Heaven. Led Zeppelins original song is famous worldwide for its main introductory melody, or riff, on lead guitar.This riff repeats for the first two minutes then continues at 2:16 into a variation, swapping between this and strummed chords (based around G/B, AMA and D). The guitar solo at 5:55 begins with an A minor pentatonic scale then continues in A minor diatonic. The effect of having WV melodies (Jimmy Page on guitar and Robert Plant with voice) creates a dynamic sound with some clashes adding to the unique style of the song . Within the re-creation however, Victor Lopez makes no attempt at replicating the classic opening guitar melody which is the main and most iconic part of the song. This oversight alone, takes away from the original as this riff has become the trade mark and most well known part of the original Stairway to Heaven. The introduction starts with every instrument playing and an attempted take Off of the chorus, contrasting the idea of one melody growing in Led Zeppelins version. The arranged variation begins in E flat major and modulates to D major. There is no clear melody evident at all throughout the piece, as the number of instruments playing at similar volumes, makes it hard to determine.Ornamentation is also a key musical flourish in the original, that lacks in Victor Loppers version, as there is no guitar and therefore none of the brilliant guitar techniques mentioned above, to make the music come alive and become more than just notes on a page. The timbre or characteristic quality of sound displays a great difference when comparing the jazz arrangement of Stairway to Heaven to the original. Jimmy Page manipulates his guitar as the main sound source with such brilliance, using a variety of methods such as pull offs, vibrato, hammer-ions, bends and slides (see Figure 2). The guitar is the central instrument and is held responsible for the individuality and vividness of the piece as it holds the majority of the melody, and in particular brings out the contrast during the bridge and solo (5:35). The entire piece depends on the guitar as it continues o play throughout the whole song and is accountable for the most complex part, portraying the creativity and ingeniousness of Stairway to Heaven. The use of the Maelstrom (an electronic keyboard controlling pre-recorded musical sounds) to imitate the flute, creates the darker more eerie mood and adds timbre contrast to the guitar melody.Throughout the song, to assist the development, instruments are added to the guitar at each section change, such as the Maelstrom flute (0:1 3), voice (0:53), bass guitar (2:14) and drums (4:18). These timbre changes during this piece, add to the musical complexity ND impressiveness with the way it begins very lightly and gets gradually darker throughout, until it ends very lightly at 7:45. Figure 2: Example pull off, vibrato, bend, hammer on and slide- Led Zeppelins Stairway to Heaven Victor Lopez arrangement includes too many instruments to portray the mood in which the original depicts.As it is written for darker sounding instruments such as tenor and alto saxophone, trumpet, trombone and bass, it takes away from the lighter sounding parts in the original, and so lacks contrast. This version hardly changes and remains of the same timbre for charity of the time except at 8 where the trumpets stop playing and the other instruments hold long notes as opposed to collectively playing the melody resulting in a lighter timbre. This section is the closest Lopez comes to conveying to the listener, the original mood and contrasts of Led Zeppelins Stairway to Heaven.There is no modification of instrumental playing evident as the manipulation of this piece lacks variety in notes or rhythm which leaves no room for individual variations of the notes or instrument playing. The original was written mainly for guitar and voice, resulting in the option for eight or dark timbre. This variation however consists of lower brass instruments inevitably leading to a consistent dark timbre, revealing this pieces inability to live up to the original.

Saturday, November 30, 2019

Mcdonalds Green Marketing Strategy Essay Example

Mcdonalds Green Marketing Strategy Essay How McDonald’s Change Their Customer Perspective and Increase Their Sales with Green Marketing The green issue has became a global issue since year 1990s, peak in year 2000s. In business, it can drive people perspective to choose which brand was good or bad. McDonald’s probably is one of the company that realize this issue is very important for their business in this century. McDonald’s is the biggest fast food chain in the world with more than 32,000 outlets in 117 countries. The company has employed more than 1. 7 million people. Last year, they’ve made 1. 2 bn out from 6. 1 bn. For years, many critics came up against McDonald’s about how bad they treat world environment and questioning how far they care about people healths, especially on obesity. The most famous â€Å"attack† to this fast food company probably was a documentary film that tells a people who eat Mcdonald’s meals for a month would hasten his death. McDonald’s also considered to have responbility of 28% waste package (littering) in UK. Public suggested the company to more persuade their customers not to do littering. And also, public critics McDonald’s happy meal which caused early obesity to child. We will write a custom essay sample on Mcdonalds Green Marketing Strategy specifically for you for only $16.38 $13.9/page Order now We will write a custom essay sample on Mcdonalds Green Marketing Strategy specifically for you FOR ONLY $16.38 $13.9/page Hire Writer We will write a custom essay sample on Mcdonalds Green Marketing Strategy specifically for you FOR ONLY $16.38 $13.9/page Hire Writer Those critics had succeed to change people perspective, in year 2000, their income declined with some outlets shut as their new record. Started in 2000s, McDonald’s is fighting back, massively and quietly counter the critics with green marketing. It is not only to increase the company sales, but more important to change the way customers think about McDonald’s, their perspective. But how they do it? McDonald’s is not sustainable company from the beginning, they has core DNA to create delicious food, fatty foods, and sugary foods. They must be careful to take an action, the green strategy not only have to change customers willing to buy, but also it could reduce cost and generate more valuable profit. McDonald’s is aiming to blow up their green with five criteria, there are nutrition and well-being, sustainable supply chain, environmental responbility, employee experience, and community. They started to create a new logo –switching their traditional red background with the deep green one- to promote a eco-friendlier image. McDonald’s has done a lot of things in order to prove their environmental responbility to their customers, especially by reduce the energy they used. In Germany, at less 100 McDonald’s restaurant would use the green logo by the end of year 2009. And also, some restaurant in Great Britain and France would too. They started to use eco-friendly package – 80 percent of their package was made of renewable resources-. They change white napkins with plain brown, which saves 1. 3 million dollars annualy, while reducing energy, woods and water use. In France, some restaurants has made an innovation to use eco-friendly sofware that can reduce electricity usage by 11%. In Sweden, they use CO2 detector in their restaurants to adjust ventilation, which is reduce the usage of electricity by 15% anually. Various anti-littering campaign is spread to many countries, such as Portugal, UK, France, Switzerland, Australia, and others countries. From their menu, they change a bit in the name of their customer health, they reduce French fries size, adding fruits to its food, bring more healthier salad, less sugar drinks and foods, even low fat foods. Moreover, in Germany, there are some restaurants that provide no burgers and sells salad at just 7 euros, they can choose 5 traditional salads and mix it. Another weapons is sells coffee –sustainbly grown coffee and organic milk- with brand McCafe, while they offering low-calorie foods in the other sides. This strategy was made a significant growth, in Germany there are currently 1386 reaturants with 737 integrated McCafe inside, encouraged by a worlwide revenues of 23. 5 billions dollars. They also made a contribution to the local communities, all supply of each restaurants is provided by the local farmers in that city, except their global sponsor drinks, Coca-Cola. They also prove that they care about woman livings, 28. 1% of worldwide top management (VP and Ups) are women, while 50% Company Owned Restaurant Managers are women too. The last but not least, more than 30 countries recognises McDonald’s as great place to work. All of green things above was successfully delivered to customers by various medias, it proved by the increasing growth 13% sales in year 2011 from year 2008. And also, the legendary Big Mac sales rose 10 percent last year, helping keep the company stock price to nearly $100 a share. In the other hand, the advertising budget has been estimated to exceed $2 billion. It shows that McDonald’s has successfully came back to winning by counter critics with the right strategic green marketing. They do the strategy without change the â€Å"fastfood† image, but they do with showing their will and contribution to the environment. Finally, it can change human perspective and willing to buy with the increasing sales as the success parameter. Sources Birkner, Christine. 2012. McDonald’s Scores Itself on Sustainability: Will Consumers Be ‘Lovin’ It’?. http://www. marketingpower. com/ResourceLibrary/Documents/newsletters/mne/2012/1/mne_mcdonalds_sustainability. pdf. September 3rd 2012. O Brien, Keith. 2012. How McDonald’s Came Back Bigger Than Ever. http://www. nytimes. com/2012/05/06/magazine/how-mcdonalds-came-back-bigger-than-ever. html? _r=1pagewanted=allpagewanted=all. September 3rd 2012 Environmental Leader. 2012. McDonald’s Counters Criticism With Green Marketing Effort. http://www. environmentalleader. com/2009/05/19/mcdonalds-serves-up-green-practices/. September 3rd 2012. Salisbury, Peter. 2011. Behind the Brand: McDonald’s. http://www. theecologist. org/green_green_living/behind_the_label/941743/behind_the_brand_mcdonalds. html. September 3rd 2012 Laura, Nerdy. 2011. McDonald’s going green – I’m lovin’ it. †¦?. http://businessnerds. wordpress. com/2011/05/29/mcdonald%E2%80%99s-going-green-%E2%80%93-i%E2%80%99m-lovin%E2%80%99-it/. September 3rd 2012.

Tuesday, November 26, 2019

Enter to win a pass to the Nonfiction Writers Online Conference or membership in the Nonfiction Authors Association

Enter to win a pass to the Nonfiction Writers Online Conference or membership in the Nonfiction Authors Association Contest Alert! Enter to win a pass to the Nonfiction Writers Online Conference or membership in the Nonfiction Authors Association NOTE: As of April 4, the winners have been chosen! BIG CONGRATS to Lula Lucy at for winning a Gold access pass to the Nonfiction Writers Conference, and KUDOS to Carolyn Howard Johnson for winning the Authority Membership in the NF Authors Association for a full year!!!! And thanks for all who entered. Wow well over   200 entries!   DOUBLE NOTE: The conference is May 2-4, and I assume some of you are still interested in attending. If so, use this link to sign up and mention FUNDSFORWRITERS35. Youll get 35% off the sign up fee.   FundsforWriters has teamed up with the Nonfiction Writers Conference and Nonfiction Authors Association to host an EASY contest. Two winners will be selected at random to receive one of two great prizes: A Gold access pass to the Nonfiction Writers Conference, happening May 2-4, 2018 (this event is virtual- no travel required!). Value: $225 Authority membership in the Nonfiction Authors Association for a full year! Value: $190 How to Enter: This is a blog comment contest so all you need to do to enter is post a comment below that answers this question: What are your top three writing goals this year? That’s right, simply answer the above question in the comment area below. Feel free to include your book title if applicable and a link to your website. Remember to include your email address when you register your comment so that we can contact you if you win! This contest will run from March 16 to April 1, 2018. (Winners announced April 3, 2018.) About the Prizes One winner will receive a Gold Access pass to the 8th annual Nonfiction Writers Conference, happening May 2-4, 2018 and featuring opening keynote speaker Gretchen Rubin, New York Times bestselling author of The Happiness Project, Better Than Before, and The Four Tendencies. Event speakers will cover how to write, publish, promote and profit with a book! NFWC is completely virtual- all sessions are delivered via phone or Skype. Your Gold pass includes all event recordings, an invitation to our attendees-only Facebook group, and access to our Ask-a-Pro sessions- complimentary 15-minute consulting sessions with industry experts, delivered via phone or Skype. Learn more about NFWC: One winner will also receive a full year of Authority membership in the Nonfiction Authors Association, a vibrant community for writers. Membership includes access to recordings from weekly teleseminars with industry experts, marketing â€Å"homework† sent via email each week, exclusive templates, checklists and other content, discounts off our year-round Nonfiction Book Awards and Nonfiction Writers Conference, and discounts with our partners including IngramSpark, Office Depot and more. Learn more about NFAA: Additional Contest Guidelines Open to legal residents of the United States, age 18 or older. No purchase necessary, void where prohibited. The Sweepstakes is governed Two winners will be chosen at random to receive the prizes listed above. The specifics of the prize shall be solely determined Enter Below to Win! Post your comment What are your top three writing goals this year? Thanks for joining us- and feel free to share this contest with your writer friends!  Ã‚   C. Hope Clark, Editor,

Friday, November 22, 2019

What SAT IIs Should You Take if Youre Undecided?

You may think that if you’re undecided about your major, then it’s not worth taking SAT IIs. After all, your regular SAT score is already an indicator of your academic potential, so why prove your mastery in a specialized subject? However, by taking a diverse combination of SAT IIs, undecided students can demonstrate their versatility and show that they can handle the challenge of a college course load. Not only that, but your performance on the SAT IIs might clue you in to one of your strengths, so that you can narrow down the types of majors you’re looking at. In general, we recommend that you take SAT IIs that play to your strengths, while choosing SAT IIs from a variety of areas to show that you could do well in any major. Here’s what you need to know to decide on SAT IIs to take. SAT IIs, also known as SAT Subject tests, are a set of standardized tests that cover subjects commonly covered in high school. They’re divided in five general categories: Every SAT II is a multiple choice test that takes about an hour to complete, and students earn scores between 200 to 800. As you probably guessed, 800 is the highest score you can achieve, so that’s the score to aim for! SAT IIs are offered on the same days and often the same locations as the SAT. While you can take up to three SAT IIs on the same day, you can’t take both the SAT and an SAT II. For more information about when the SAT IIs are offered, check out our post SAT Subject Test Dates and Deadlines for 2018-2019 . While some colleges require SAT IIs, most only recommend these tests. Many top schools consider SAT II scores in addition to the rest of your academic profile, so SAT IIs can help you stand out from other college applicants and demonstrate your academic strength in specific subjects not covered on the SAT. For many students, SAT IIs show that they’re ready for their intended major, but since you’re undecided, you’ll want to go for a broad range of subjects and take a few different SAT IIs to show that you’re ready for any major. Some schools may use SAT IIs for particular applicants or use them outside of their general admissions. For example, some schools might place you in higher-level courses based on your SAT II scores, so you can take more interesting, specialized classes offered to upperclassmen. Many schools also ask that international, bilingual/ESL students, and homeschooled students take SAT IIs to show that their education was on par with a U.S. high school education and that they’re ready for college. Your ultimate goal is to maximize flexibility; colleges need to be convinced that you will be successful regardless of the major you choose. You’ll need to plan which tests to take in coordination with satisfying college admissions requirements, so be sure to do some research about the schools you’re interested in and what, if any SAT IIs they require. Here are some examples: Always make sure that you’re satisfying the admissions requirements first before you apply any of the advice below. We recommend that you take 3 tests in a range of subjects to show your versatility, such as one math, one science, and one humanities. However, if you’re having trouble scoring well across multiple categories, then this could be a sign that your major should hone in on the type of test you did well on, such as STEM or humanities. Many schools offer options such as undecided—sciences or undecided—arts as a way for students to indicate this preference without forcing you to commit to a single major. Our Early Advising Program helps students in 9th and 10th grade discover their passions and build strong academic and extracurricular profiles to succeed in high school. One strategy is to look at the five top-level categories of SAT II and pick a test from three different categories. We encourage you to choose one math, one science, and one humanities, but the most important thing is to choose subjects you feel strong in. Your past academic performance might indicate whether that’s a subject test you should take or not. For the humanities, choose the one (or two) categories you’re strongest in. For Math, choose either Level 1 or Level 2—there’s no advantage to taking both. In general, Level 1 covers more â€Å"basic† high school math, and is appropriate if you’ve had at least two years of algebra and one year of geometry. If you have two years of algebra and one year of geometry and have taken Trig or PreCalc, then you may want to take Level 2. We covered this in more detail in our post Which SAT II Math Should You Take? For Science, choose the subject that you have taken or excelled in during high school . You can choose from Physics, Chemistry, Biology E or Biology M. We probably don’t need to explain Physics or Chemistry, but here’s the difference between Biology E and M: Because you’re undecided, you have a little more room to choose SAT IIs based on your preferences. If you need more help deciding, you can also find free practice resources for every SAT II at College Board . Trying sample tests is one of the best ways to determine if a test is good fit for you. Although we recommend that you take one science, one math, and one humanities SAT II, nothing replaces doing your own research into programs you’re interested in. Make sure to follow the information on the admissions website to the letter, and if you’re ever unsure about something on the admissions website, don’t be afraid to contact that school directly for clarification. The best way to prepare for the SAT IIs is to take challenging courses in high school. These tests evaluate how well you learned from your classes in high school, so by pushing yourself to do well in all of your classes you can demonstrate your academic readiness for college. If you want personalized guidance about what tests you need to take in high school, then our Mentorship Program might be the right fit for you. We pair high school students with trained mentors from top colleges to help you build a roadmap and keep you on track. Find out if our Mentorship Program is right for you! For more posts about preparing for college, check out: We'll send valuable information to help you strengthen your profile and get ready for college admissions.

Wednesday, November 20, 2019

LEAN THINKING (Manufacturing Lean Tools) Assignment

LEAN THINKING (Manufacturing Lean Tools) - Assignment Example In other words, demand requests supply hence pulls the supply out of the company. It can, therefore, be argued that the market fuels the needs that stimulate the company to make an individual product, which in turn emerges as a reaction to the pull action of demand. A company is not in a position to develop complete knowledge of the market as well as its players, which are marked by the dynamism and changeability of their needs and actions (Sharma & Agrawal, 2009). As a result, planning for organizational activities becomes risky endeavour and hence cannot be carried out for very long spans of time. The basis for the application of the pull strategy is hence an unstable context where the same business processes cannot be successfully reiterated (Sharma & Agrawal, 2009). Business competitiveness is not established with the creation of rigid cost structures that are steadily reduced with time. This means that the competitive force associated with pull strategies lies in the ability of the pull strategies to react to the market in rapid action. Additionally, experience in production and communications is not hyped (Sharma & Agrawal, 2009). Rather, knowledge is created in flexible responses as per the manufacturing processes, and also to informatio n and communications. For that reason, the competitiveness of pull systems is dependent on the ability to react afore the competition to the varying needs of demand. This applies not only to material flows but also to the flows of information and communications. It, therefore, appears that for the business sectors that experience elevated degrees of competitive intensity, only pull type policies are applied, considering the impracticality of long-term planning as well as the accentuated dynamism of demand and competitors. However, this does not occur because, the type of pull strategy has to be recognized on the basis of the details of each business process. For controlled competition economies, pull

Tuesday, November 19, 2019

Gaming in Nevada Research Paper Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1500 words

Gaming in Nevada - Research Paper Example This move however failed and as a compromise penalties for gambling were dramatically reduced. Only mild fines were imposed on operators and the players were let off with the objective of preclusion. In 1909, legislation was passed by the influence of progressive movements that banned all types of gambling in the state. In 1919, the law got relaxed and the state started issuing licenses for card room games like bridge and whist. In 1920’s Reno became the gaming capital of the state. During the time of the great depression, the differences in opinion about gambling were finally settled. The Assembly passed the Bill 98 in 1931 which allowed gambling as an entertainment. This started the era of gaming industry of Nevada as we all see and experience today (History of gaming in Nevada). Gaming has become the life blood of Nevada’s economy. The casino industry in Nevada utilizes the services of nearly 300000 workers which represent 27% of Nevada’s work force. The industry is the principal tax payer providing 46.2% of the states general fund revenue. In the financial year 2010, the industry paid nearly $2 billion in taxes to the government and the industry has become the largest donor of capital investment, community development, jobs, taxes and quality living to the people of Nevada. The hotel and casino industries have invested nearly $60 billion in Nevada. Even in times of the latest financial crisis, the state attracted nearly 50 million visitors and its casinos earned $21 billion in revenue to keep the economy going. The casino industry not only provides employment and taxes, but it is also engaged in lots of philanthropic activities. Millions of dollars are spent for charity and public service activities. Majority of the aid goes to the health and education sectors. In a year on an average the industry donates more than $10 million for social work. These funds are directly given to local organizations and the casino industry has

Saturday, November 16, 2019


Free Will in Christianity Essay Christianity is derived from a mixture of elements of Roman religious myths, Pagan myths and god-men stories, sun worship and Gnosticism. Christianity has no room for free will, but for psychological or other reasons, many Christians have believed in genuine individual free will. Everyone is regarded as having a free choice as to in what measure he or she will follow his or her conscience or arrogance, these two having been appointed for each individual. The more one follows ones conscience, the more it brings one good results, and the more one follows ones arrogance, the more it brings one bad results. In Christianity God is described as not only omniscient but also omnipotent which implies that not only has God always known what choices individuals will make tomorrow, but has actually determined those choices. That is, they believe, by virtue of his foreknowledge, he knows what will influence individual choices, and by virtue of his omnipotence, he controls those factors. God still gives individuals the power to ultimately choose or reject everything, regardless of any internal or external conditions relating to the choice. For example, when Jesus was nailed on the cross, the two criminals, one on each side, were about to die. Only one asked Jesus for forgiveness while the other, even at the end of his life with nothing else to lose, mocked Jesus. This was a free and personal choice between everlasting death and everlasting life. Since God is omniscient, God has foreknowledge, meaning he knows what everyone will do in the future and what any individual would do in any given situation. This foreknowledge enables God to have a plan for everyones life. For instance, if God wants a particular action to occur, he knows who would choose to do that action, and under what circumstances they would choose it; thus he is able to plan for it to happen. However, Gods knowing what choices we will make is simply knowledge it does not remove our free will, for we are still the ones making the choices. The Bible also says and teaches that there is no free will and that Gods plan overrides our free will, those that do good do the specific good that God predestined them to do, and Satan rules all others because God sends powerful delusions to them. As quoted in Ephesians 1:4-6 â€Å"Praise be to [God], who has blessed us in the heavenly realms with every spiritual blessing in Christ. For he chose us in him before the creation of the world to be holy and blameless in his sight. In love he predestined us to be adopted as his sons through Jesus Christ, in accordance with his pleasure and will to the praise of his glorious grace, which he has freely given us in the One he loves. Catholic Christianitys emphasis on free will and grace is often contrasted with predestination in reformed protestant Christianity, especially after the Counter-Reformation. However, in understanding differing conceptions of free will it is just as important to understand the differing conceptions of the nature of God, focusing on the idea that God can be all-powerful and all knowing even while people continue to exercise free will, because God does not exist in time. It is further understood that in order for Man to have true free choice, he must not only have inner free will, but also an environment in which a choice between obedience and disobedience exists. God thus created the world such that both good and evil can operate freely. Comprehensively the Christian Bible denies free will and any element of choice in what good works we do. God has picked who will do what good deeds, and God punishes and rewards people on account of what God has chosen, in accordance with Gods plan and purpose. According to The Bible, God definitely does not like being quizzed on this matter of Free will; Paul is honest about Gods lack of justice. Paul states multiple times, in accordance with the rest of the scripture we see on this page, that free will and personal choices are not the important factor in salvation: Paul then goes further in Romans 9 and admits that God is arbitrary, and its simply tough that people were created for common use as slaves of Satan, and that only some are created for noble purposes. Reference: Roberts, Jenny, 1997. Bible Facts†. Grange Books, London.

Thursday, November 14, 2019

Baldwin Blames Mistreatment of Black Veterans for Increasing Racial Unr

Baldwin Blames Mistreatment of Black Veterans for Increasing Racial Unrest Building a case against racial injustice, Baldwin describes how many blacks joined the U.S. military and were sent to fight in Europe during World War II, although the battles they returned to at home were sometimes worse than the war itself. In ?Down at the Cross,? Baldwin zeroes in on the discrimination against black veterans as the final blow causing many of them to hate their own country and become militant against whites. Historical accounts generally support his argument, even though Baldwin doesn?t speak to a few important points that differ from his personal perspectives on this issue. Overall, Baldwin builds a strong case for the need for social change in America to wipe out this type of racial outrage, especially in the case of black war veterans. Baldwin contends that ?a certain hope died? when black veterans were greeted with contempt by whites when they returned from the war instead of the praise and thanks that they deserved (Baldwin 317). From his observations, this was a wound that had been festering for many years and it was something that had been eating at the heart and soul of the black population since the end of World War II. This was such a terrible insult to blacks that it added fuel to the rage that was growing all across the country, and Baldwin explains that blacks finally felt they had taken too much abuse and that things were going to change ? one way or the other. To summarize his argument, Baldwin reasons it out that if a person is willing to risk his or her life for their country, the very least they should expect is for their country to treat them with the respect they have earned and not as se... ...ry. Baldwin?s essay is, on the whole, true to the facts and feelings in America at that particular period in time as black veterans returned home to face a new battle against racial discrimination in their homeland. Works Cited Baldwin, James. ?Down at the Cross.? 1955. James Baldwin: Collected Essays. Ed. Toni Morrison. New York: Library of America, 1998. 63-84. Fournier, Winston C. ?Desegregated Jobs.? The Wall Street Journal 3 April 1956: 1, 10. Huachuca Illustrated, Vol. 2 Web Page (1996). Retrieved March 2, 2004 from Lee, Ulysses. (1966). The Employment of Negro Troops. Washington, DC: U.S. Government Printing Office. Murphy, Carl. (1944). This Is Our War. Atlanta Daily World, pp. 5-12. Wynn, Mike. ?We Were There.? The Augusta Chronicle 2 September 2001: 1-14. Baldwin Blames Mistreatment of Black Veterans for Increasing Racial Unr Baldwin Blames Mistreatment of Black Veterans for Increasing Racial Unrest Building a case against racial injustice, Baldwin describes how many blacks joined the U.S. military and were sent to fight in Europe during World War II, although the battles they returned to at home were sometimes worse than the war itself. In ?Down at the Cross,? Baldwin zeroes in on the discrimination against black veterans as the final blow causing many of them to hate their own country and become militant against whites. Historical accounts generally support his argument, even though Baldwin doesn?t speak to a few important points that differ from his personal perspectives on this issue. Overall, Baldwin builds a strong case for the need for social change in America to wipe out this type of racial outrage, especially in the case of black war veterans. Baldwin contends that ?a certain hope died? when black veterans were greeted with contempt by whites when they returned from the war instead of the praise and thanks that they deserved (Baldwin 317). From his observations, this was a wound that had been festering for many years and it was something that had been eating at the heart and soul of the black population since the end of World War II. This was such a terrible insult to blacks that it added fuel to the rage that was growing all across the country, and Baldwin explains that blacks finally felt they had taken too much abuse and that things were going to change ? one way or the other. To summarize his argument, Baldwin reasons it out that if a person is willing to risk his or her life for their country, the very least they should expect is for their country to treat them with the respect they have earned and not as se... ...ry. Baldwin?s essay is, on the whole, true to the facts and feelings in America at that particular period in time as black veterans returned home to face a new battle against racial discrimination in their homeland. Works Cited Baldwin, James. ?Down at the Cross.? 1955. James Baldwin: Collected Essays. Ed. Toni Morrison. New York: Library of America, 1998. 63-84. Fournier, Winston C. ?Desegregated Jobs.? The Wall Street Journal 3 April 1956: 1, 10. Huachuca Illustrated, Vol. 2 Web Page (1996). Retrieved March 2, 2004 from Lee, Ulysses. (1966). The Employment of Negro Troops. Washington, DC: U.S. Government Printing Office. Murphy, Carl. (1944). This Is Our War. Atlanta Daily World, pp. 5-12. Wynn, Mike. ?We Were There.? The Augusta Chronicle 2 September 2001: 1-14.

Monday, November 11, 2019

The Relationship Between School Principals Education Essay

AbstractionThe intent of this survey is to see the relationship between leading manners associated with physical instruction instructors efficiency at school scenes. To this end,40 school principals and 40 male and female physical instruction instructors at secondary schools were indiscriminately assigned to take part in the survey. School principals public presentation assessed with Fiddler leading manner questionnaire with dependability coefficient of 0.86 by teachers.Also, teachers`performance evaluated with instructor -made questionnaire with cogency coefficient of 0.87 ( Cronbach Alpha ) completed by the pupils. Data distribution was normal shown in this survey utilizing kolmogorov-smirnov trial.Additionally, statistical method in footings of statistical theoretical account is parametric, while non-parametric statistics is employed for heterogenous groups through which desired hypotheses discussed utilizing Pearson correlativity trial, Spearman correlativity coefficient and T -test. Results indicate that there exists a important relationship between the leading manner of school principals and physical instruction instructors efficiency at 5 % significance degree. The consequences show that participative leading manner would stop up with significant efficiency of male and female instruction instructors, whereas important leading manner has shown the lowest efficiency. Cardinal words: leading manner, important leading manner, participative leading manner, school principals, instructorsIntroductionAcerate leaf to state that human resources play a considerable function in the development of communities. Therefore, the states will develop merely if they take a great figure of human resources into history. Today, educational direction encompasses constructs like leading, counsel and, therefore, in order to achieve its coveted ends, the educational system should reconsider its educational system direction. The educational direction shall optimally use the human and physical resources to happen its ends. The school direction is considered as one of the of import facets of the educational system.Thus, it is necessary to acknowledge the factors act uponing the school principals ‘ leading and public presentation which, in bend, can better the instructors ‘ efficiency and effectivity. Due to increasing figure of pupils, there is a demand to develop efficient and adept instructors in educational system.Of class, the educational ends wo n't be achieved unless there are important alterations in the ideas, cognition and attitudes in this respect. So, if we want our educational system develops, we have to better the cognition accomplishments, information, ideas, attitudes, leading manners and working forms of school principals and instructors who closely interact with pupils. Historically, the civilisations have witnessed that the educated and skilled human resources would efficaciously change over the traditional communities into developed 1s. Consequently, the development is extremely dependent upon the direction cognition, particularly in footings of instruction every bit good as efficient human resources. Education is closely associated with the development and opens promising skylines for the hereafter. In other words, the educational system of every society reflects its hereafter. Alvin Toffler argues that if educational system does n't fix pupils for the hereafter and provides them with an unrealistic and incorrect image of the hereafter, it will, surely, be considered as incompetent and unreliable. Sing the of import function of educational system in the development of states, it seems sensible to use scientific findings for the direction of educational centres so as to increase the instructors ‘ efficiency, effectivity and motive so that they try to work better and efficaciously.Applications of leading mannersLeadership behavior theory: The humanistic leaders pay particular attending to the organisation members, whereas organisation – oriented leaders prefer organisation missions to the persons. Life rhythm: The important leading manner fits the immature persons whom the leader should command magisterially, while participative leading suits extremely mature personsLikert direction system.System1: This sort of direction does n't be given to swear the subsidiaries. Hence the whole determination – doing procedure takes topographic point at top – degree direction and the sub – ordinates are rarely involved in the determination – devising procedure. System 4: In contrast with system 1, here the direction trusts the subsidiaries. In add-on, the determination – devising occurs across the organisation. Furthermore, there is a great bond among all facets of the organisation. Fiddler ‘s surveies show that undertaking – oriented leaders perform good when the conditions are either desirable or unfavourable.On the other manus, relationship – oriented leaders work best when the conditions are comparatively favourable. Task – orientated leading manner Relationship – orientated leading manner Task – orientated leading manner Favorable conditions Relatively satisfactory conditions Unfavorable conditions The consequences show that application of specific leading manners relative to a particular state of affairs can both ensue in a favourable and sound on the job environment and increase the instructors ‘ motive toward working efficaciously.The survey findings show the school principals ‘ leading manner has the most noticeable impact upon the physical instruction instructors ‘ efficiency. Conversely, the important leading manner has the least consequence upon the instructor ‘s efficiency. Court lewin etal ( 1981 ) studied five groups of kids and grownups in public assistance centre at Ohio university and found out that the group members, under democratic ( participative ) leading, would develop their creativeness, cooperation and public presentation.On the other manus, working with opinionative leading would ensue in considerable dependence, minimal creativeness and group spirit every bit good as failure in kids. Haim ( 1992 ) believed that the leading manner h as nil to make with the direction end – scene.So it is concluded that efficiency and leading manner seemingly do n't travel with each other. Gen ( 2004 ) argued that the transmutation – oriented leaders would act upon the organisational civilization, staff duties and their occupation satisfaction. Bruce and Russel ‘s ( 2004 ) surveies indicate the of import difference between map and transmutation – oriented leaders.Here, the transmutation – oriented ( participative ) leaders are advanced and originative, whereas map – oriented ( important ) leaders are more dependent upon the bing construction in the organisation. Madani quoted Dessler ( 1994 ) that many behavioural scientists believe that participative leading is more effectual than important leading. participative leaders encourage and reenforce their employees so that they have higher morale. Besides, a group of employees with the important leading shows, at first, high public presentation, but finally they get disappointed in the short tally. Fallahi ( 1995 ) maintains that the highest mark for the mental wellness belongs to instructors in schools whose school principals have used participative methods Nazari ( 1998 ) concluded in his survey that staff engagement in determination devising causes them to experience nearer to their organisation. Nourbakhsh, and Mohammad ( 2004 ) argued that among the leading manners, rational leading manner was most normally used followed by participative leading which was associated with low undertaking supervising and high attending to human dealingss within the organisation. Ehsan Hashemi ( 2005 ) believe the success of any organisation in accomplishing preset ends depends on how the school principals prosecute direction patterns and effectual direction manners. In fact, direction and leading manner are easing and actuating factors that straight and indirectly has considerable impact on staff`s occupation satisfaction and better their efficiency Alvani et Al ( 2005 ) concluded that school principals and skilled professionals holding scientific thoughts tend to happen the aims of the organisation through trainig and scientific betterment in the degree of organisation. The findings of this research can assist school principals opt for direction and leading manners appropriate for physical instruction decision makers and school principals and other similar organisations to increase efficiency and productiveness instructors and employees.Original Iranian text:U† U?O ±O?O ®O? U? U†¦O ­U†¦O?US ( 1383 ) U†¦O?O?U‚O?U† O? : U†¦USO §U†  O?O?U?U†¡O §US O ±U†¡O?O ±USO? O?O?U? O ±U†¡O?O ±US O §O?O?O?U„O §U„US O?O §U„O?O?O ±USU†  O?O?U? U? O?O?U? O ±U†¡O?O ±US U†¦O?O §O ±U?O?US U† USO? U?U†¡ O?O § U?USU?U?US U†¡O §US U† O?O §O ±O? U?U†¦ O?U†¡ O §U† O ¬O §U†¦ U?O?USU?U†¡ U? O?U?O ¬U†¡ O?USO §O? O?U†¡ O ±U?O §O?O · O §U† O?O §U† US O?O ± O?O §O ®U„ O?O §O?U†¦O §U†  U†¡U†¦O ±O §U†¡ O §O?O? O?O ± U†¦O ±O ­U„U†¡ O?O?O? O §O? U†¦USO §U†  U?O §USU?O §U†¡U†¡O §US U‚O?O ±O?O? U‚O?O ±O? O?O ®O µO µUS O?O §U„O?O?O ±USU†  U?O §USU?O §U†¡ U‚O?O ±O? O?O ± O?USU†  U†¦O?USO ±O §U†  U†¦O ­O?U?O? U†¦USO?U?O? ( 21 ) . Lend a better interlingual rendition Dessler ( 1973 ) asserted that many behavioural scientists would believe that participative leading might work more efficaciously than important 1. Participative leaders encourage their staff to acquire involved in the organisation personal businesss.Furthermore, their staff enjoys high spirit.Nevertheless, under important leading, the staff at first has the highest public presentation but shortly after they finally get frustrated. The high school instructors led by participative school principals are psychologically healthy.Staff `involvement in the determination – doing procedure physiques up their fond regard to the organisation. There is minimal supervising and maximal attending paid the persons ‘ relationship in footings of participative leading manner.Additionally, specialised power is the best constituent amongst power bases and the organisation success depends greatly on the per – determined end attainment, direction manner and the direction power.In fact the direction and leading manners facilitate and motivate the staff ‘s public presentation and directly/ indirectly influence their occupations satisfaction and efficiency.Also, the skilled and experient school principals who have scientific thoughts try to scientifically develop the organisation so as to achieve their organisational ends.Of class, the scientific development of the organisation is one of the conspicuous constituents of the modern and originative communities.Studies show that exercising specialised authorization from personal power every bit good as exerting wages from place power shall well convey up creativity.Hence, the findings of the present research can steer the educational system governments in physical instruction class toward taking an appropriate leading and direction manner in order to increase the staff ‘s efficiency and productiveness.Methodology:The method used in the present research of descriptive analytical type and the needed informations sing measuring of the school principal`leadership manner and physical instruction instructors ‘ efficiency collected utilizing standard questionnaire. Then the relationship between school principals ‘ leading manner and physical instruction instructor ‘s efficiency/ assessed utilizing SPSS bundle.Of class, we found out that there is no relationship between the school principals `leadership manner and the physical instruction instructor ‘s efficiency. Besides the same can be said about female and male leading manners which have nil to make with the female and male physical instruction instructor ‘s public pre sentation.sample:There were 204 school principals and high school physical instruction instructors from territories 1 and 2 in Manba town of whom 40 were school principals and the other 40 were physical instruction instructors. The samples chosen utilizing random stratified trying Tool: the direction tool was 2 standard questionnaires. The Fidler ‘s standard questionnaire applied to find the school principals ‘ leading manner ( participative- authoritative ) . The questionnaire consisted of 16 eight – point graduated table. The instructor -conducted questionnaire encompassed 20 five – point scale mensurating physical instruction instructors ‘ public presentation by the pupils ( physical instruction instructors ‘ public presentation ) and collected after a pre – determined clip.Then statistical calculation carried out utilizing Kolmogronov Smironov, Pearson and independent T – pupil every bit good as spearman trials.FindingssHaving collected the questionnaires, we began to analyse and find the cogency and relationship in the informations utilizing SPSS and excel sofwares. Table 1 presents the significance degree between school principals`leadership manner and physical instruction instructor ‘s efficiency.The consequences show that there is a important relatio nship between school principals ‘ leading manner and physical instruction instructors ‘ efficiency. In add-on, sing the positive and high correlativity coefficient in the information, it was concluded that the more the school principals exercise participative leading manner, the more effectual the physical instruction instructors ‘ public presentation will be. Variables Sample figure Correlation Coefficient Significance Degree Consequence The school principals`leadership manner, female and ale physical instruction instructors ‘ efficiency 80 694 % 001 % Significant relationship The male school principals ‘ leading manner and the male physical instruction instructors ‘ efficiency 40 735 % 001 % Significant relationship The female school principals ‘ leading physical instruction instructors ‘ efficiency 40 594 % 006 % Significant relationship Besides, harmonizing to table 1, the male school principals applied participative manner at the top degree and there is important relationship between both male and female school principals and physical instruction instructors ‘ efficiency. Table 2 shows the difference between male and female school principals ‘ leading manner and male and female physical instruction instructors ‘ efficiency. Variables Sample Thymine sig Consequence Male school principals ‘ leading manner 20 no important Female school principals ‘ leading manner 20 344 % 733 % Difference between both variables Male physical instruction instructors ‘ efficiency 20 497 % 623 % no important difference between both Female physical instruction instructors ‘ efficiency 20 Variables The consequences ( table-2 ) indicate that there is no important relationship between male and female school principals school principals`leadership manner.Furthermore both groups particularly, male group benefited much from participative manner.Also, there is no important relationship between both female and male physical instruction instructors ‘ efficiency from university grade position. Variables Sample figure Correlation Coefficient sig Consequence The university grade of both male and female school principals ‘ leading manner 40 306 % 55 % No important relationship The university grades of both male and female physical ) , instruction instructors ‘ efficiency 40 405 % 009 % No important relationship There was no relationship between principals `university grade and their leading manner.However, sing the positive correlativity coefficient, it can be said that principals exercise participative manner.Also, the higher educated the physical instruction instructors are, the more efficient their public presentation shall be.DiscussionProductivity in organisations require some specific conditions of which human resources is the most of import one.The organisation success hinges extremely upon attainment of pre – determined ends, direction and exerting suited leading manner by the direction In fact direction and leading manner shall ease and actuate the staff ‘s public presentation and straight / indirectly influence their occupation satisfaction and efficiency. Since an appropriate leading manner ( Court lewin etal ) can convey approximately utile alterations and transmutations in the organisation. The present research tries to mensurate the relationship between the leading manner and physical instruction instructors ‘ efficiency.Based upon the several informations analysis it can be said that the more the school principals exercise participative leading manner, the more efficient both male and female physical instruction instructors shall be. Conversely the more the school principals take important manner into history, the less productive their instructors will be.The research findings agree with the findings of Court lewin etal ( 1981 ) and Dessler ( 1998 ) . . Besides, the more principals exert more important leading manner, the more public presentation of physical instruction instructors in both groups will be reduced. Consequences of this survey is consistent with those of Nirumand ( 1999 ) , Mohammadi ( 2005 ) , Ehsan Hashemi ( 2005 ) , Kurt et Al ( 1981 ) and Dessler ( 1998 ) . Physical instruction instructors exhibited better performancethrough participative direction. O § Research consequences of this survey correspond to those of Mohamadi ( 2000 ) Mir Nadery and Nourbakhsh ( 2005 ) Sedagati ( 2005 ) Khavari and Yousefian ( 2007 ) . Both male and female school principals would be willing to exert participative leading manner particularly, here, female school principals would exert more participative manner than their male opposite numbers by 5 % .As a effect, to better the instructors ‘ efficiency, school principals are supposed to exert participative leading manner in their schools.The consequences besides indicate that there is no difference between both male and female physical instruction teachers` efficiency. Additionally, based on the leading manner exercising by the school principals, both groups would execute comparatively the same. The physical instruction instructors worked good when led by the participative school principals. Consequently educational system should develop in -service preparation and specialised classs so as to maintain the physical instruction instructors ‘ standard high.Also it was shown that there was no important relationship between the schools installations and the sc hool principals school principals leading manner.On the other manus it may bespeak that most school principals might miss direction specialisation, that is why they could n't set up an effectual relationship with their instructors. Plus, higher educated school principals would exert participative manner.As a effect, these types of persons shall successfully prosecute an appropriate leading manner and positively better their physical instruction instructors ‘ efficiency.The present research findings indicate that exerting participative leading manner consequences in considerable physical instruction instructors ‘ efficiency, whereas the important one proves the contrary. Besides, higher educated school principals and physical instruction instructors enjoy noticeable betterment in their efficiency.

Saturday, November 9, 2019

Marx and Locke

Miriam D. Knox Dr. Soupios Political Science 304 April 6, 2010 Karl Marx’s and John Locke’s Ideologies The Communist Manifesto, written by Karl Marx and Fredrich Engels and The Second Treatise of Government written by John Locke are two distinct written pieces that describes their ideas and their philosophical beliefs regarding how society would function at its best. Moreover, both writers offer a detailed explanation about the many struggles that man has encountered regarding his existence in the world. In addition, they suggested political concepts whereby they felt it would help man to bring about socialization that would allow man to live a fair and qualitative life. In The Communist Manifesto, Marx uses a large portion of the book to give a historical perspective of society. He emphasizes from the very beginning that most of mans history has been based on economic pursuits and economic gains. As a result, he says that â€Å"all hitherto existing society is the history of class struggles† (50). Throughout history, social change occurred when the productive forces in society clashed with the conditions of production, resulting in massive social upheaval. This was always to the benefit of one social class at the expense of another. Modern society was the result of a long series of revolutions in the modes of production, of which the bourgeois class was the main beneficiary. Marx wrote in the Communist Manifesto, â€Å"Society as a whole is more and more splitting up into two great hostile camps, into two great classes directly facing each other: bourgeoisie and proletariat †(51 ). The bourgeoisie, or capitalist class, consists of the relatively small number of people who owned or controlled the means of creating wealth including land and raw materials; mines, factories, and offices; machinery and technology and who could employ wage laborers to work for them. Proletarians perform most of the work in capitalist economies, but they had little or no control over their work-lives or over the wealth that they produced. The relationship between the bourgeoisie and the proletariat is an exploitative one because the latter is paid less than the value that its labor creates, with the surplus of economic profits being kept by the bourgeoisie. While wages may rise if workers are well organized and during periods of economic growth, competition between capitalists compels employers to reduce labor costs as much as possible, particularly during recurring periods of capitalist economic crisis. Historically, the bourgeoisie had played a quite revolutionary role. Whenever it has gained power, it has put to an end all â€Å"feudal, patriarchal, idyllic relations. â€Å"(53). It has eliminated the relationships that bound people to their superiors, and now all remaining relations between men were characterized by self-interest alone (53). In addition, religious fervor, chivalry and sentimentalism had all been sacrificed. Personal worth is now measured by exchange value, and the only freedom is that of Free Trade. Thus, exploitation that used to be veiled by religious and political â€Å"illusions† is now direct, brutal and blatant (53). The bourgeoisie has changed all occupations into wage-laboring professions, even those that were previously honored, such as that of the doctor. Similarly, family relations have lost their veil of sentimentality and have been reduced to pure money relations (53). Marx continues to describe that the bourgeoisie had only one thing in mind, and that was how to increase their economic status. Subsequently concerns and issues regarding mans overall well being was ignored and had no significance within society. The bourgeoisie made it clear that they were only concerned with increasing their political power. Furthermore, human conditions or any means of making humanity better was never considered nor important. In fact, Marx emphatically reminds us that money and political power was the bourgeoisies’ primary interest. The Manifesto then discusses the relationship of the Communists to the proletarians. Marx says that Communists have been â€Å"reproached† for desiring to abolish the â€Å"right† of acquiring private property through the fruits of one's labor (67). However, he points out, laborers do not acquire any property through their labor. Rather, the â€Å"property† or capital they produce serves to exploit them. This property, controlled by the bourgeoisie, represents a social power and not a personal power. Changing it into common property does not abolish property as a right, but merely changes its social character, by eliminating its class character. Marx also points out that the â€Å"[The bourgeoisie] is unfit to rule because it is incompetent to assure an existence to its slave within his slavery, because it cannot help letting him sink into such a state, that it has to feed him, instead of being fed by him. Society can no longer live under this bourgeoisie, in other words, its existence is no longer compatible with society† (65). The bourgeoisie wanted man to exist in a subservient state of mind and wanted man to accept the exploitative lifestyle they were providing for their daily existence. Moreover, â€Å"What the bourgeoisie, therefore, produces, above all, is its own grave-diggers. Its fall and the victory of the proletariat are equally inevitable† (65). Marx reminds us that it was impossible for man to continue to work and survive in such limited and harsh conditions successfully. If man continued to live like this it would lead to severe suppression and eventually to mans own demise. Therefore, Marx stresses in order for the proletariat to survive, they must revolt against the bourgeoisie. Marx states, â€Å"The immediate aim of the Communists is the same as that of all the other proletariat parties: formation of the proletariat into a class, the overthrow of the bourgeois supremacy, conquest of political power by the proletariat† (66). Marx understood that the proletarians had to revolt in order to experience freedom from their enslaved environment and develop a communistic society. According to Marx, † the theory of the Communists may be summed up in the single sentence: Abolition of private property† (67). Marx felt in order for the proletarians to escape the bondage they were encountering and to establish a Communist society this theory had to be implemented. This theory was not an option, but in fact a necessity for the proletarians to develop a communistic society. Marx ends Communist Manifesto in stating â€Å"Let the ruling classes tremble at a communist revolution. The proletarians have nothing to lose but their chains. Working men of all countries unite! (91). Marx strongly felt that man united throughout the universe and living in a Communist society would offer man the opportunity to live with the prospect of both justice and a qualitative lifestyle while living in the world. He new this type of revolution would make the bourgeoisie fall and crumble. The Second Treatise of Government written by John Locke places sovereignty into the hands of the people. Locke's fundamental argument is that people are equal and invested with natural rights in a state of nature in which they live free from outside rule. Locke addresses the state of nature in order to define political power. In Chapter 2, Locke explains the state of nature as a state of equality in which no one has power over another, and all are free to do as they please(4). He notes, however, that this liberty does not equal the license to abuse others, and that natural law exists even in the state of nature. Each individual in the state of nature has the power to execute natural laws, which are universal (5). Locke's theory includes a host of moral beliefs and moral practices. Moreover, Locke points out and wants us to understand that the state of nature derives from a theory of justice and from a set of rights. No one would have any â€Å"rights† at all in the absence of a moral code applicable to human actions or any standard of â€Å"just† punishment. One topic that Marx and Locke had different views points on was whether private property was a natural right or not. John Locke believed that private property was a natural right, in fact he believed owning property was one of the most important possessions that mankind should seek and obtain. Locke emphasized that all men have the right to â€Å"life, liberty and possessions â€Å"(5). One of man’s best attributes as well as his down fall is having freewill, whereby man has the option in making a good or bad choice regarding his actions. Keeping this in mind, Locke realizes the importance of establishing clear and precise rules for man to abide by. Locke emphasizes that, in any civil society, situations will arise that have to be dealt with before the legislative can be assembled to provide laws for them. In these instances, the executive may exercise executive prerogative or simply â€Å"good judgment† (95). The executive is qualified to take actions that are outside the framework of the laws (not breaking them, just not provided for by them), if their actions advance the society's best interest. He defines this prerogative as â€Å"nothing but the power of doing public good without rule†(95). Overall Locke believed this rule of thumb avoided chaos and would provide peace and order. Ultimately this thought process was for man’s overall good and for his general welfare. Locke defines tyranny as â€Å"the exercise of power beyond right† (112). A just leader is bound by the laws of the legislative and works for the people, whereas a tyrant breaks the laws and acts on his own behalf. Locke notes that any executive body is not just a monarchy, but in fact ceases to function for the benefit of the people are a tyranny. Locke implies when the government is dissolved, the people are free to reform the legislative in order to recreate a civil state that works in their best interest before they fall under tyrannical rule. In addition, He expressed the radical view that government is morally obliged to serve people, namely by protecting life, liberty, and property. He explained the principle of checks and balances to limit government power. He favored representative government and a rule of law. However he denounced tyranny. He insisted that when government violates individual rights, people may legitimately rebel (126). Overall Locke believed that men were, by nature, born free and independent, meaning every person was a law unto themselves. That meant that they couldn't be subjected to political power without their own consent. Since every individual had consented being part of the community, they had the power, and the will to act as a whole. By consenting to being in a community, man is obliged to be a part of it, and to support whatever the general will is, for his fellow citizens. Hence, Locke was asserting that government had to be fair and equitable towards all its citizens. In addition, Locke believed it was crucial for citizens had the right to revolt if government was not meeting their needs. Marx and Locke were aligned along these terms although the ideas of Karl Marx did not have the same implicit trust in the inherent â€Å"good† of government that Locke had. According to Marx, government was not an entity through which change could be brought about. Rather, for change to happen and for the class struggles to be resolved it was necessary for the people to rise up and bring about the necessary adjustments to society. Works Cited Locke, John. The Second Treatise of Government. 1997 Prentice Hall Engels, Friedrich & Marx, Karl. The Communist Manifesto. 1998 Signet Classics

Thursday, November 7, 2019

Celebrities Responsibility to Act as Role Models Essay Example

Celebrities Responsibility to Act as Role Models Essay Example Celebrities Responsibility to Act as Role Models Paper Celebrities Responsibility to Act as Role Models Paper To get down with. stardom. celebrity. wealth and glorification neer comes entirely. It brings a enormous load of standing idiosyncrasy and cautious attitude. Those who fail to make so. non merely set into danger their place in people. but are besides responsible for advancing negative tendencies in their followings. Hence I acknowledge the statement that the famous persons bear immense duties to move as function theoretical accounts. As we are populating in a universe of media today. it is non surprising that these famous persons remain in spotlight and are chased everyplace by cameras. The most influence is done to the young person. The munificent. epicurean. colorfull and expansive life styles of these famous persons can animate anyone who loves to woolgather. The immature people. seek to copy them in vesture. hair manner and even in walking and speaking. At a certain degree. this all remains endurable. nevertheless the job occurs when immature male childs start to detto them in smoke. imbibing and seeking to make all other things in their favorite famous persons manner. Young people do non merely copy their mentality. but besides start conceive ofing the universe from the eyes of these famous persons. alternatively of fostering their ain ideas and thoughts. Young adult females waste a wholesum of money in making the same manner of dressing and purchasing acessories. that are merely a waste of clip and money. nevertheless. really attractive for the business communities. Jerseies with famous persons names and images are one of the illustrations. Young male childs and misss imitate themselves to be Leonardo Dicaprio and Angelina Jolie or anticipate their partners to move in the same mode. This whole attitude of immature people. brings a duty towards media and its people. As famous persons should cognize. that their pes prints are being followed with curiousity and greed. they should keep the symbols of honestness and public assistance. It is frequently seen that interviews of these famous persons are read with acute involvement by immature people. Young male childs and misss are eager to cognize the personal purposes and attitudes of these people. They observe them closely and so copy them in every case of their life. The youth wage great attending to their advises. Even more than their parents. instructors and their sympathizers. It is therefore an huge liability of famous persons to move positively. non merely in public but besides in their private lives. They need to demo trustiness and honestness. A little alteration in their attitude can impact much more than books and talks of instructors and parents. We are populating in an epoch. where media is the most powerful portion of our lives. We frequently blindly follow the tendencies of non merely vesture. but besides the popular tendencies of ideas and thoughts. as spoken or shown on telecasting. Hence the media people. that is the famous persons play an of import function in doing a positive impact on today’s young person.

Monday, November 4, 2019

Inpatient Falls and bed alarms Dissertation Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 2250 words

Inpatient Falls and bed alarms - Dissertation Example This can be in the form of low rise beds; call lights placed at closer distance, placing floor mats, toilets at closer intervals. The environment surrounding the patient should be modified to minimize the impact of the fall of the patients. It is said that 33% adults over the age of 65 fall every year. 20% of the adults who experience the fall suffer moderate to extreme injuries. The hospitalization cost estimated for the fall of a patient is about $17,500. Falls have been referred to as â€Å"nurse sensitive quality indicator† (Castex & Albright 2010). Most of the falls occur in and around the patient’s bed and in the bathrooms and are often unobserved. Patient falls are associated with certain very serious consequences. The fall experienced by a patient has a negative affect on his self confidence and result in fear of falling and ‘post fall anxiety syndrome’. A serious fall reduces the mobility of the patient and restricts his ability to perform daily ac tivities. The patient’s fall makes him more susceptible to diseases and may have debilitating affect. It may even lead to death. 50% of the people who experience a major fall die after one year. The accountability or liability associated with a fall lies with the hospital staff and the authorities (Simmons, 2010). The hospital has to bear significant costs associated with patients’ fall. It is extremely important for hospitals to identify preventive measures to control fall rates. This paper analyzes on whether the introduction of bed alarms can reduce the inpatient falls. Background and Significance of the Issue Inpatient falls are a major safety issue in hospitals because the falls may result in severe injury to the patient, have debilitating affects and may even lead to death. The patient’s prolonged stay in the hospital increases the associated costs that the hospital has to bear if the patient stays for a longer duration. The greater need for follow up care of patients, surgical needs and the costs associated with diagnostic purposes adds to the increased costs for the hospital (Hernandez, 2005). According to reports by Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC), the fall costs associated with older adults was estimated at $20.2 billion in 1994. This cost is predicted to increase up to $32.4 billion by the year of 2020 (CDC Injury Center, 2006). Hospitals have to bear large costs associated with the falls. 15% to 30% of the falls cause fractures in patients. This involves the cost of casting, surgery or traction and at times even leads to death (Lopez & Et. Al., 2010). The risk factors that contribute to falls are the severe illness of a patient, the â€Å"poly pharmacy treatment strategy of the patient† , unfamiliarity of the patient with his surroundings, balance deficit, neurological disease, visual deficit, lack of proper nutrition, musculoskeletal problems and lower hip problems, multiple medication, cognitive impair ment, hypotension, depression to name a few (Dougherty, 2008). The injuries from falls can be very severe especially for the older people. According to the MD, director of the Geriatric Research Education and Clinical Center at the Malcom Randall VA Medical Center, Ronald I. Shorr, the fall rate in hospitals is about â€Å"four to five falls per 1,000 patient days, or about a fall per day in a 250-bed hospital† (Simmons, 2010). Further it is also said that one

Saturday, November 2, 2019

What are the strengths and weaknesses of an artificial kidney based on Essay

What are the strengths and weaknesses of an artificial kidney based on the use of proximal convoluted tubule cells - Essay Example In the search for alternative treatment of such diseases, kidney transplant emerged as the most viable option, which has been applied extensively. Nevertheless, despite kidney transplant being a successful option, the costs and the difficulty in finding the kidneys for transplant has promoted another alternative search, this time that entails the application of artificial kidney, based on the use of proximal convoluted tubule cells. This alternative is being widely studied and experimented, since it has shown some rays of hope that it might emerge as a viable alternative for addressing the problem. The discovery of this bio-artificial kidney has shown some potential of saving the life of people who have acute renal failures (Fawcett, 2004 n.p.). The study undertaken with 10 patients with acute kidney problems indicated that the artificial kidney that is based on the use of proximal convoluted tubule cells, is well tolerated by the adult human body, and has the potential of improving their conditions (Fawcett, 2004 n.p.). However, despite this ray of hope, there is a need to understand how the bio-artificial kidney operates. Therefore, this study seeks to investigate the viability of the bio-artificial kidney, with a view to understand the advantages and disadvantages of its application. First, the strength of this bio-artificial kidney is, that it will be the first device of its kind to be implanted inside the body of humans, as opposed to the use of dialysis machines, which are connected to the body externally, and are used to filter the body waste mechanically (Boyle, 2010 n.p.). Therefore, this device eliminates all the inconvenience that are involved in mechanical removal of wastes from the body, considering that the device will be implanted inside the body of a patient, and thus will be performing continuously, as does the normal kidney (Fawcett, 2004 n.p.). The mechanical removal of human waste is associated with a lot of challenges. Most fundamental is t he fact that; the patient is not continuously involved in the removal of body wastes, but has to do it occasionally as programmed through the use of the dialysis machine. This puts the patients at a higher health risk, since the wastes may accumulate at a rate that was not anticipated by the physician, and thus cause the intoxication of the human body, while he/she still awaits the mechanical removal of wastes (Boyle, 2010 n.p.). It is in this consideration that the artificial kidney, based on the use of proximal convoluted tubule cells, is found to be advantageous, since it works like a normal kidney, without the need for programmable removal of kidney wastes. The application of this bio-artificial kidney eliminates the need to locate a patient close to a dialysis center, while also removing the need for them to undergo the extremely consuming procedure. The other strength associated with the use of the artificial kidney, based on the use of proximal convoluted tubule cells is that ; this artificial kidney is developed using the normal biological kidney cells (Fawcett, 2004 n.p.). The kidney is made up of a cartridge that is lined up with renal proximal tubule cells, which helps the kidney to operate like it was a normal kidney. This is because, the cells performs the most vital functions of the kidney, which is the filtration and separation of the kidney waste components from the vital electrolytes, salt, glucose and water, which are essential for the normal body functioning (Boyle, 2010 n.p.). Therefore, the artificial kidney prevents the loss of most important components of the blood system, which would otherwise have been lost through the